The life of a triangle is tough. Everyday, they risk their lives dodging geometric shapes spinning around in a color changing world, while intense dubstep pounds in the background. You know what else is tough? Super Hexagon.
Super Hexagon is based around moving a triangle to avoid incoming shapes. It sounds simple, but it’s not. Shapes rapidly speed up and flashing colors in the background try to blind you while you play. You will get used to it though, because the levels aren’t completely randomly generated. This feature would make the game much more skill based.
The fun part of Super Hexagon is the progression from hate to love. When you first play it, it seems boring, but as you continue, it will become extremely addicting. You can’t stop. You just can’t stop playing.
Super Hexagon’s atmosphere adds to this addiction tremendously. The pulsing sounds and the shocking colors immerse you in a universe that consists completely of triangles and parallelograms. It may sound odd, but Super Hexagon has one of the most interesting atmospheres I have ever seen. It draws you in so much that you start to lose consciousness. After playing for a while, it hurts to look at the screen.

This game is near perfection. It is so simple that it is complex. I give Super Hexagon a 9/10 and the Knockout Award. A game has never been so addicting as Super Hexagon; it’s beautiful in every way, and for $2.99 it’s a must buy.
Graphics: 9/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Replayability: 9/10
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